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Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

taurus Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Taurus Horoscope

Wed, 23rd October 2024
Oscar Cainer

Improvised jazz might sound like the musicians are spontaneously reacting and responding to one another. But achieving this effect takes hours of rehearsal. They practice solos. They explore variations. It's only when they're confident about their own part that they can deviate from it on the spur of the moment. You're out of your comfort zone. And, since you're under pressure to perform you don't have the luxury of time to familiarise yourself with your script. But you're sure of something. If you use it as your base, you'll be fine. Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. And, for a short time, we are offering 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)









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Full Moon in Aries

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Taurus - Your Weekly Horoscope: Have you tried a Virtual Reality Headset? Apparently, using 3D visual displays and positional tracking, you feel as if you're actually immersed in a video game. Or walking around the pyramids. Or visiting the Louvre. Yet, in reality, you're still sitting on your sofa. It's an illusion and a pretence. In your world, you're interpreting various signs and signals as if they were real. But if you don't want them to be, they don't have to be. Keep that in mind as you deal with what looks, this week, like a bigger problem than it actually is.

Taurus - Your October Monthly Horoscope: Begin October by opening your heart (and mind) to the possibility of success. You might feel that you're already doing this; that you're prepared for opportunities to knock on your door. But they don't always appear in the form we expect. They come in all sorts of different guises. Your ruler, Venus, is a key player in this month's cosmic climate. Its powerful alignments might make the potential for transformation hard to spot. But just as a caterpillar can't imagine ever being a butterfly, if you trust, you'll be able to fly.

Taurus - Yesterday's Forecast:
All you can do is your best. Even if you don't seem to be making progress, keep going. There are obstacles to get around; but hopefully, they're not going to stop you. Know that your plan is good. Stay confident. Hold tight to what you know to be right. You're worried that your efforts are being taken advantage of. That you're putting in all the work while others are sitting back. But your resolve, and your desire to be impeccable, will stand you in good stead. The outcome will reward you with a priceless sense of achievement. Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. For a short time, we are offering 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)

Taurus - Mon Oct 21, 2024:
With all due respect to rodents, if we win a rat race, we're still a rat. Some prizes aren't worth the effort. And some arguments aren't worth having. Don't be drawn down to someone else's level today. Maintain your high standards and ethos. Don't rise to the bait. Refuse to lower your values. If other people, who are prepared to play 'dirty', seem to be gaining an advantage, don't let it bother you. In respecting your dignity, and honouring your integrity, you'll end up winning. Not just on a moral level, but on a practical one too.

Taurus - Sun Oct 20, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Whether (or not) you like the path you've taken to get to this instant in time, if you look back you can see the route you took to get here. That's the benefit of hindsight. There's no denying that what's done is done. Here you are. If you look forwards, the path is much less obvious. Although there's uncertainty in your emotional world now, know that the hand of destiny is guiding you. With your ruler, Venus, settling into Sagittarius, there's adventure ahead - with the potential to take you to a new place, where you'll be delighted to be. Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. And, for a short time, we are offering 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)

Taurus - Sat Oct 19, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Have you tried a Virtual Reality Headset? Apparently, using 3D visual displays and positional tracking, you feel as if you're actually immersed in a video game. Or walking around the pyramids. Or visiting the Louvre. Yet, in reality, you're still sitting on your sofa. It's an illusion and a pretence. In your world, you're interpreting various signs and signals as if they were real. But if you don't want them to be, they don't have to be. Keep that in mind as you deal with what looks, this week, like a bigger problem than it actually is.

Taurus - Fri Oct 18, 2024:
Salespeople use a technique to persuade customers to buy something. It involves making statements to which the prospective buyer can only say 'yes'. Eventually, they'll end up agreeing to whatever's being proposed. It's manipulative. And I'm not suggesting you use this method this weekend. It's more likely that it's being used on you. You're agreeing to something you'd rather say no to. If you take a moment to consider your highest priorities, you'll be able to be clearer about what (and who) you want to commit to. Imagine the moonlight bathing you in its glow, infusing you with courage and determination. Perhaps there's something you've been hesitating to start, or a decision you've been putting off. Learn more about the Hunter's supermoon and, for a short time, you can claim 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)

Taurus - Thu Oct 17, 2024:
You're not a natural rule-breaker; but in your world now, there are assumptions that need challenging and protocols that need questioning. Luckily, under this powerful cosmic climate, you've got the confidence to take on this task. Being a sensitive soul, you're smart enough to know which ones can be tweaked, and which ones need to be respected. Look at what you can (and can't) get away with. If you throw your energy into pushing a factor that shows signs of flexibility, you'll be able to move past a source of frustration.

Taurus: - Wed Oct 16, 2024:
Suppose you've got a tricky maths problem to solve. You're short on time, so instead of giving it your full attention, you choose your favourite number, make that the answer, and somehow justify it to be the result you want? The chance of you correctly solving the problem is slim! But we often follow this MO. We know how we want things to be, and create arguments to support our logic. As your ruler forms a Grand Trine with Neptune and Mars, check your process today. You don't want to fool yourself (or anyone else). Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. For a short time, we are offering 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile. (OFFER ENDS TODAY)

Taurus - Tue Oct 15, 2024:
Houses aren't always homely. And the place where we feel most at home doesn't necessarily need to be a house. Or a flat. We all understand the second point. But we tend to forget the first. If a house looks like a home, we assume it is one. Similarly, if someone seems to know what they're talking about, we assume they do. Could you be placing too much importance on how something looks/sounds? The coming Super Moon enables you to look beyond what you see. That's where you'll find what you're looking for.

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