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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

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Your Weekly Horoscope

Sat, 21st Sep
Oscar Cainer

Daily Illustration
New / Full Moons:
New 2nd Oct in Libra
Full 17th Oct in Aries
New 1st Nov in Scorpio
Happy Equinox! As the Sun enters diplomatic Libra and the Celestial Archer continues to inspire us, the cosmic spotlight focuses on the strengths we draw from our relationships. In our crazy world, it's easy to see ourselves in competition with others. But without humanity's need to connect, communicate, and cooperate, would we even exist?! This week, with a combo of truth and kindness, agreements which deepen bonds and satisfy desires can be reached. Teamwork really is dreamwork!

As we approach the end of this month,we have just had a supermoon, the Harvest Moon, gracing our skies. also featuring a partial lunar eclipse, often referred to as a "blood moon." This special event illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation as we now head towards the equinox on September 22nd. Celebrate this inspirational time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Daily Planets (20 09 24):
Moon Enters Taurus at 09:02 UTC
Saturn ( 15° Pisces) Quintile Uranus (27° Taurus ) at 06:59 UTC
Venus ( 27° Libra) Quincunx Uranus (27° Taurus ) at 17:35 UTC
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Birth Charts

New! Equinoxes

Moon Signs 15th September

New! Pisces Supermoon

What it means to have Moon in...

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5 Star Service Tarot
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About Jonathan Cainer.

Aries Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Think about nanoparticles and microorganisms. They're so tiny, without a powerful microscope, we have no chance of seeing them. But does their size influence the way they see themselves? Do they think they're unimportant? The thing is, no matter what form of life we are, we're only as small as we think. Or as big! So, let's turn our attention to the issue that's taking up so much of your time and energy. Does it deserve so much of your attention? This week brings perspective. If you see it as small, you'll easily deal with it.

This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Taurus Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Imagine you're a teacher trying to gain control over a class of noisy, misbehaving kids. It's tempting to make a big noise to attract their attention. In your world, you've been dealing with a similarly challenging scenario. Your patience has been stretched to the max. You're at the end of your tether. You've had enough. But are things really as unacceptable as you think? This week, with the Sun entering peace-loving Libra, with just a small change in your attitude you'll be able to spot a big silver lining in a relatively small cloud.

The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...

Gemini Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Did you use your powers of assessment to make the right decision? Or did you get the wrong end of the stick? Are you looking at a delicious plate of food? Or have you bitten off more than you can chew? Your mind is whirring with questions. But rather than trying to answer them, why give them so much space? Does everything have to be one way or another? With the Sun entering Libra, you'll find it easier to find a balanced way of thinking. If you stop swinging between extremes, you'll start making great progress.

As we approach the equinox and the end of a month with celestial events that are sure to capture your imagination. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Cancer Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: If that really is a mountain you're looking at, what's that cute little fluffy creature doing at the top of it? And if you stand up and face it square on, will it transform from mile-high to molehill-high? It's a question of perspective. Mountains are huge. That's a fact. But if you happen to be viewing them from a distance they're nowhere near as daunting. Your current challenge might seem big. But without backing away from it you can find the wherewithal to deal with it. The Equinox brings the support and know-how to get to the summit.

This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Leo Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: We live on a blue planet. Bowie wrote a song about it. And people who've been into space are astonished by its blue beauty. There are very few other similarly coloured planets in our solar system. Just as our ball of rock is rare and special so are its inhabitants! Of course, we're bound to feel blue sometimes! But we're also able to shine with the golden light of the Sun - your ruling planet. This Equinox week, it's filling you with inspiration. If you seek the right kind of changes in your world, you'll find harmonious ways to fulfil them.

The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...

Virgo Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: When we find ourselves dealing with hostile situations (which we all sometimes do), we turn to our sources of comfort; friends are key. They help us stand firm and be strong. This week, with the Sun moving into peace-loving Libra, it's by revealing your vulnerability that you're going to succeed. You don't need to fight to make progress. It's through accepting your weaknesses that you'll access your strengths. If you look out for opportunities to honestly express your needs the support you need to satisfy them will come.

As we approach the equinox and the end of a month with celestial events that are sure to capture your imagination. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Libra Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Sometimes, no matter how much effort we put in, we struggle to make progress. It feels like circumstances are conspiring against us. People we think we can count on for support become unhelpful. Reasons why we can't succeed keep popping up to discourage us. But sometimes, for no obvious reason, all the obstacles dematerialise. And once again, we dare to dream. With the Sun entering your sign this week, a joyful process of change begins. Watch a cloud of frustration evaporate. And blue skies of hope to appear.

This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Scorpio Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Can you produce hard irrefutable evidence that you exist, and that you're reading your prediction? Or is all this an illusion? Proving that we're not living a dream is harder than we think! And if we go with that philosophy, it makes us question why we get so emotionally involved in what's going on around us. And why we sometimes feel so out of control. Yet philosophising can only take us so far. You clearly know what you want this week to bring. If you dream big, there's a surprisingly good chance your dream will come true.

The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: You'd think we'd be better at communicating. But instead of being clear with one another, we tend to disguise our feelings and say anything rather than what we're really thinking. We're so good at it that we end up confusing ourselves; we find it hard to work out our own emotional responses. The Equinox brings the insight to read between the lines. Someone has info that can help you make a brilliant decision. But it won't come in a straightforward way. Use your listening skills and what you learn could be life-changing.

As we approach the equinox and the end of a month with celestial events that are sure to capture your imagination. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Capricorn Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Necessity might be the mother of invention, but we don't necessarily need to need something in order to be creative. We can be inspired by all sorts of things. Like love. Generosity. Gratitude. You want to instigate a change. And you're anticipating having to invest huge amounts of time and energy. But it doesn't have to be that way. With the Sun moving into creative Libra, if you experiment with a few innovative ideas, you'll find a new way of looking at this situation... and a more inventive, easier way of moving forwards.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Do you have the right to be successful? Did your arrival on this ball of rock come with a guarantee that you'd always be able to find ways around life's obstacles towards success? Actually, it did! And looking at what's happening in the skies this week, I can tell you that there are no great mountains to climb. And that even if there are some biggish hills, you're more than equipped to speedily ascend to the top. The only thing stopping you from making progress is your own self-doubt. If you banish that, the sky is the limit.

This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.

Pisces Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: You might never know how lucky you are. So you'll have to trust when I say you're blessed with good fortune. And just because something isn't working the way you want it to work doesn't mean I'm wrong. No. There's a good reason why things aren't going as planned. The challenges might be tough to deal with, but they're forcing you to access your creativity and to think outside the box. And that's where the blessings are waiting to be discovered. With the Sun moving into Libra, you won't have to search hard to find them.

The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...

Weekly Horoscopes

Your horoscope predictions for the week.

Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

Monthly Horoscopes

Here's your horoscope for September.

Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

Moon Sign Horoscopes

Your horoscope for your Moon Sign.

Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

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