You've been dealing with a difficult situation for a while. It's preventing you from expressing yourself - which is oppressing and depressing. Someone (or something) is blocking you from realising a goal. Yet the root of your torment is closer to home than you think. It's your internal response to this scenario that's creating the sense of discomfort. Although the legacy of the Full Moon won't sort everything out, it offers you a chance to step back and view things from a different angle. Then, you'll be able to take affirming action.
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Taurus - Your Weekly Horoscope: We have to choose our battles. There's no point getting involved in an argument we're unlikely to win. Or pushing to implement an idea no one will follow. There are smarter ways to get people involved and working together. The Full Moon linked with Mercury and Uranus brings a boost of energy that enables you to see things from a different perspective. Rather than responding to someone's unhelpful attitude, if you invest your enthusiasm by taking pragmatic action, this Valentine's week, you'll get the support you need.
Taurus - Your February Monthly Horoscope: In order to deliberately deceive someone, the trick (apparently) is to stick as close to the truth as possible. Rather than creating an intricate web of deceit, it's best to modify our story so that we end up with a slightly altered version of actual events. But you'll be glad to hear that you won't need to do that in February. Just because Uranus, the change-maker, turns direct in your sign at the start of the month, and you find yourself full of surprisingly unconventional ideas, you'll gain power and influence by being true... to yourself and to others.
Taurus - Yesterday's Forecast:
Unless you raise the sail, you'll never be able to catch the wind. If you don't dip your toe in the water, you won't be able to assess the temperature and work out if it's OK to get in. We often make assumptions that stop us from doing things. We weigh up the pros and cons from a distance. And sometimes, we conclude that there's no chance of it happening, walk away, and set our sights on something else. The Full Moon brings the inspiration to be bold. Whatever you set your heart towards, you'll achieve a satisfying result.
Our Valentine's Day gift for you... Get your FREE Love Sign Reading and try the 5 Star Service completely FREE (no payment or credit card required).
Taurus - Tue Feb 11, 2025:
There are over eight billion of us living on the ball of rock. If that sounds like a lot, think about how many trees there must be. And birds. And grains of sand. The numbers are mind-blowing! But think too, about how many problems there are. If everyone has at least two... well, let's just say that there are a LOT. Sometimes, standing back from the immediacy of our lives gives us a different perspective. You're not up against anything that's wildly unusual. And the chance of you finding an effective way of dealing with it are high.
Taurus - Mon Feb 10, 2025:
There's a problem with thinking that we're 'problem free'. Not only does it suggest we're ignoring something we should be focusing on, or refusing to acknowledge the existence of a challenge, but we're denying ourselves the satisfaction of sorting something out. Being aware of problems doesn't create problems! If anything, it's a gift! It's a promise that our journey towards instigating a positive change has begun. With Mercury (intellect) linking to Uranus, it brings the inspiration to deal with a long-standing issue today.
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Taurus - Sun Feb 09, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're a resolute Taurean. When you embrace an idea you stick with it. It takes a lot to make you change your mind. This quality gains you respect... and success. But in regards to one particular area of your world your determination is preventing someone else from expressing their views. This Full Moon week, if you take a step back, and take the pressure off, you'll create the space they need to share their concerns. By making a few adaptations to your plans, you'll find a way that works for them... and for you. That's a win-win.
Taurus - Sat Feb 08, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: We have to choose our battles. There's no point getting involved in an argument we're unlikely to win. Or pushing to implement an idea no one will follow. There are smarter ways to get people involved and working together. The Full Moon linked with Mercury and Uranus brings a boost of energy that enables you to see things from a different perspective. Rather than responding to someone's unhelpful attitude, if you invest your enthusiasm by taking pragmatic action, this Valentine's week, you'll get the support you need.
Our Valentine's Day gift for you... Get your FREE Love Sign Reading and try the 5 Star Service completely FREE (no payment or credit card required).
Taurus - Fri Feb 07, 2025:
Rather than focusing on ways to circumnavigate potential problems, try thinking about where you'd like to be this weekend. Not that the cosmos is about to transport you to a beachside paradise! But psychologically and emotionally, it's doing everything in its power to help you on your way. Which doesn't mean that your every desire is about to be fulfilled. Life isn't like that! But if it's real and right for you, the celestial forces are doing everything to make things come to fruition. Be on the lookout for signs taking you in the right direction.
Taurus: - Thu Feb 06, 2025:
Our choice of footwear reveals quite a lot about our mood and our plans. Sturdy boots suggest someone who's setting out with a sense of purpose. Snug, fluffy slippers indicate someone who appreciates comfort and security. So, what are you wearing on your feet today? And what kind of ground is beneath them? Are you feeling well-supported? Does the route forwards look smooth and steady? With your ruler, Venus, in fiery Aries, you might find that you're feeling so positive that you feel safe enough to run barefoot!
Our Valentine's Day gift for you... Get your FREE Love Sign Reading and try the 5 Star Service completely FREE (no payment or credit card required).
Taurus - Wed Feb 05, 2025:
If you're looking after a small kid who's playing with something they shouldn't be playing with, to avoid a tantrum, rather than take it away, you need to give them an alternative. If you divert their attention, you'll be able to take the item off them without them noticing. And this modus operandi works with adults too! We can, if we're clever, even use it on ourselves. If you need to change your mind about something today, you can easily find an alternative idea that will inspire you with enthusiasm. And negate any sense of loss.