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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Zodiac Birth Charts

scorpio Zodiac Sign

Scorpio Horoscope

Mon, 17th February 2025
Cainer Horoscopes

Teaching kids about the need to share is important. They have to learn that being cute doesn't mean they'll always get their own way. Hmmm... but don't we all know adults who seem to have missed out on that learning? Actually, we all struggle with it! We know that we've got qualities we can use to gently manipulate things so they work in our favour. No one is totally open and fair. Your ability to intuit the truth regarding a situation that involves different people, and their hidden needs, is key to resolving a challenge today. Take advantage of your own cosmic GPS to plan your voyage through 2025, illuminating your path ahead. Download your 2025 Guide to the Future Now!









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Scorpio - Your Weekly Horoscope: The trouble with trouble is that it never goes on vacation. It's like it's always lurking in the background, waiting for a chance to make its presence felt. Yet even though it rarely takes time off, it does take siestas when, if we're careful, we can creep past without disturbing it. This week, although you've got a few creaking floorboards to deal with, if you're determined, and carefully think through your plans, you'll be able to make gentle progress that circumnavigates a problem. The path beyond looks (relatively) trouble-free!

Scorpio - Your February Monthly Horoscope: To keep on top of what the cosmos is bringing your way this month, do you need to do a course on deciphering smoke signals? Should you be wary of the obvious, and focus on trying to figure out what's going on behind the scenes? Not if you want to make the progress you're being offered in February! Your intuitive skills are being highlighted. Your task is to direct them in the best possible way. So, rather than concerning yourself with irrelevancies, or overcomplicating scenarios, keep things simple. You'll love what unfolds.

Scorpio - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: No matter what we're doing or where we're going, there's always lots of potential for things to go wrong. From crossing the road to peeling vegetables, we face daily dangers. But if we were to equip ourselves with every item of safety gear, we'd be so weighted down that accidents would be more likely to happen! Similarly, relationships always contain an element of emotional risk. But we can't protect ourselves by erecting a system of defence mechanisms. To maximise an opportunity this week, let go of a worry. Relax. A magnificent planetary line-up in 2025 isn't just a light show in the heavens - it's your personal invitation to step into a year where possibility sparkles at every turn. Download your 2025 Guide to the Future Now!

Scorpio - Sat Feb 15, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: The trouble with trouble is that it never goes on vacation. It's like it's always lurking in the background, waiting for a chance to make its presence felt. Yet even though it rarely takes time off, it does take siestas when, if we're careful, we can creep past without disturbing it. This week, although you've got a few creaking floorboards to deal with, if you're determined, and carefully think through your plans, you'll be able to make gentle progress that circumnavigates a problem. The path beyond looks (relatively) trouble-free!

Scorpio - Fri Feb 14, 2025:
'If you're happy and you know it clap your hands'. It's not exactly a romantic song, but anyone who sings it is guaranteed to smile. It's the silliness of stamping feet, and sharing the experience that encourages a sense of communal joy. This Valentine's Day, if you're prepared to look out for (and appreciate) the bright things that happen, and focus on silver linings (rather than the clouds), you'll find you've got the power to make your day/weekend special. A desire to share your enthusiasm will lead to someone to share it with. Need a cosmic guide through the mountainous landscapes of 2025, helping you to navigate the valleys and ascend the peaks? Find out how to make the most of what promises to be a tumultuous year with your personal and unique Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now!

Scorpio - Thu Feb 13, 2025:
The Worldwide Association of Fortune Tellers has a message for you. In recognition of your divination powers, they'd like to request your attendance at their next convention. Although you knew that already... didn't you? Oops! Maybe not. But even the most gifted seers are unable to predict absolutely everything! One area of your world seems to be shrouded in mystery right now. You're feeling unusually uncertain about what to do. But there's no reason to doubt your instincts and insights. They're totally trustworthy.

Scorpio - Wed Feb 12, 2025:
It's wrong to blame people for problems they haven't created. It's also wrong to praise people for contributing to projects when they haven't done much towards the outcome. You're feeling uncomfortable because the wrong person is being held responsible for a situation. Whether they're being criticised (or praised) isn't the issue. It's the unfairness that feels wrong. Your task is to ensure that the right thing happens next. The Full Moon is strengthening your position. Lead by example and you'll restore harmony. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how - Download yours now...

Scorpio - Tue Feb 11, 2025:
Anxiety is irrational. There are no tangible (or practical) benefits to being overwhelmed by a tidal wave of emotions. Which doesn't mean intense feelings can't be healthy, helpful and constructive. It's important to allow ourselves to feel deeply and powerfully... and it's also important to allow those emotions to influence and guide us. Yet, sometimes, when we allow our hearts to rule our heads, we get ourselves into hot water. The Sun/Uranus link brings a spark of inspiration that offers a logical, pragmatic solution to a problem.

Scorpio: - Mon Feb 10, 2025:
"Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start". It's not only a great tune, it's a great idea. The problem is knowing where to find the beginning. How are we meant to recognise it? Since it's not as easy to locate as we might like (not to mention the fact that you're in the middle of something), your best bet is to begin from where you find yourself today. It doesn't matter if you're in the starting blocks or not. What counts more, is being confident about your current position and keeping going. A victory awaits. Take advantage of your own cosmic GPS to plan your voyage through 2025, illuminating your path ahead. Download your 2025 Guide to the Future Now!

Scorpio - Sun Feb 09, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We're not always honest about our feelings. And although it's not great to feign a mood to someone else; it's another thing to try to fool ourselves about our true feelings. Something in your world isn't quite right. And pretending that everything's OK isn't going to fool anyone for long - least of all yourself. This Valentine's week, the Full Moon brings the confidence to be clear, honest and brave. You need to know what your true motives are. If you're comfortable about your hopes and aspirations, you'll be able to find ways to fulfil them.

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